It's been a long year but this is finally our home! Last weekend we moved our stuff in and turned our rental house back over to the landlord. We've made a lot of progress on getting unpacked, the kitchen is mostly functional and the kids room is play-able. The rest of the house is coming together a day at a time. We have lots of indoor projects to do in the next few weeks, mostly related to organization, putting up shelves, etc. This works out well since winter is really starting in (you can see the frost on the field above!) This weekend we'll be getting some cover crop seed spread in the garden and doing some big compost pile maintenance along with building shelves in our bedroom closet and unpacking more boxes. :)
This morning Nicole and I sat on the porch and watched a doe walk slowly across the field. I feel so much peace here, it's hard to imagine how I lived any other way in the past. :)
With Thanksgiving just past I have to say that most of all I'm thankful for my family. My beautiful wife and two joyful children. Having us all together in our new home is what we've been working toward all year and it feels amazing.