Sunday, May 20, 2012

Solar Eclipse 2012

Our eclipse weekend started with a day of electrical work. Things are coming along. Here's the switches by the back door, one for the new porch light and one for the 3-way switch in the mudroom.

There are a lot of new wires above the mudroom. One fine day this will be insulated and sheetrocked :)

 We had several families come out and camp the night before which was a real treat. 

Joel and Tenzin by the light of the campfire.

The next morning we went for a little hike and worked on a few projects.

Anubis had his own project in the sun.

Too cute to not include this one. He's clearly loving being on the farm.

 I spent the afternoon working on a few things. The front wall of the compost bin is now attached such that we can remove it for turning compost. The results of our hand-weeding through the garden resulted in quite a lot materials for the compost :)

Onions growing in the garden.

 The strawberry patch is going to turn out a lot of fruit this year!

 These grapes are growing near the firewood shelters that need to come down. We'll have to find some way to save the grape vines. 

 Ah the eclipse! Someone brought a sextant which provided an interesting view of the sun.

 I took this with my phone thru the lens of the eclipse glasses we were using, it really does it no justice. Seeing the ring of fire was amazing.

During the eclipse, you can see the sickle-shaped shadows on the ground.

The turnout was really good and everyone had a great time.

More eclipse patterns

 Tenzin and Cyrus were totally oblivious to the solar spectacle going on and opted for digging activities.

After the eclipse was totally over a large group of us went for a hike in the forest. Such a great ending to a great weekend!

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